In 1931 a booklet was written called “One Hundred Authors Against Einstein.” When asked to comment on this denunciation of relativity by so many scientists, Einstein replied that to defeat relativity one did not need the word of 100 scientists, just one would be enough.
What is the Lesson Today?
- That consensus ain’t science.
- This is a good example of the method for trampling truth, so learn to see it for what it is.
- This tactic was used in our day yet again to malign more than 16,000 scientists (and counting) who pointed out the obvious in the Great Barrington Declaration.
“Contributions from Hundred Authors against Einstein carry important lessons for today. The lines of attack against Einstein stem from arrogance, ignorance, denial, and prejudice. Regarding the latter, detailed analyses have been forwarded (e.g., Goenner 1993) and references therein have pointed out that one of the driving forces against Einstein’s work was Einstein’s Jewish heritage. These prejudices were further amplified by the right-wing political climate in Germany and other countries at the time.
Nevertheless, the contributions in Hundred Authors against Einstein appear in general to be shaped by scientific incompetence. In fact, many of the contributions in Hundred Authors against Einstein do not bother with scientific reasoning at all. Most of the texts notably shy away from seriously attempting to apply scientific methods; others are even further off and thus do not remotely meet established scientific standards. Some of the criticism is just plain funny, whereas some other criticism is pitiful at best. For others, the saying “Don’t confuse me with facts, I already have made up my mind” would accurately describe the author’s approach…
…During his time, Einstein apparently was not overly concerned with this kind of criticism. He has been quoted saying, “It would not have required one hundred authors to prove me wrong; one would have been enough.” Clearly, the validity of scientific results is not decided by a majority vote, even though in today’s environment support by colleagues and peers always helps. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that sometimes a single voice can be louder than the rumbling of a crowd.”
~ Manfred Cuntz
I disagree with the professor on one point though, Hitler and the Nazi’s are Left-Wing, not Right-Wing. First case in point, the Nazis were a socialist party and socialism is a Left-Wing value, not Right-Wing. Point two, Leftism is totalitarian in nature, so the more control, the more left, whereas the more right you go, anarchy takes over. To support this one only needs to recognize that the right seeks less governance, not more of it like the left does.